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Category Archives for Luck Advice

You’re Taking the Wrong Route to Work (and how to find the right route)

You may not know it but you are taking the wrong route to work.  How do I know?  Because most people are doing the exact same thing.   The wrong route is the one that you took yesterday, and the day

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11 Companies and People that you Wouldn’t Believe Failed (and how you can Succeed like them)

Unlucky Failures Unlucky people look at failure as an end, a dead end. If you fail, that part of the journey is over and you might as well try something else because you just found one more thing that

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My ADD has ADD: How to get focused in a distracting world when you need to get stuff done

There is way too much information out there. Facebook generates 4 new petabytes of data per day.   That is 1 million gigabytes per day! You think you go over your data with 8 gigs or whatever your cell

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How I Organized my Gmail Account with Almost No Effort

If you are like me, you have a Gmail account and never delete anything until you start running out of space and then delete the biggest files that you don’t need.  This seems like a very bad system

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Get Lucky Even Though Your Parents Were Wrong

There is a point, or should be a point in everyone’s lives when you realize that the mighty and all knowing Wizards of Oz (read “your parents”) don’t know everything.  As a kid,

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4 Reasons to Stay Ignorant

When I was growing up, I used to love the song “Oh La La” because of the lyrics “I wish that I knew what I know now, when I was younger”.  At every stage of growing up, I used

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Give Someone a Compliment when you Stub your Toe

What’s your first reaction when you stub your toe? Do you yell? Do you scream? Do you blame someone? Dan Ariely, a professor of psychology and behavioural economics at Duke University wrote a whole

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They’re All Going to Laugh at You!

They say that the world can be broken up into two types of people, “talkers” and “doers”.  In the online world, there are the talkers and the people who are too afraid to talk.

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Never Turn on your Computer Again Without an Agenda

When you sit down and turn on your computer, do you know exactly what you are about to do or are you just turning on your computer because it is something to do? I constantly find myself sitting down

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Get Lucky Because You Have Nothing Better to Do!

Doing something because you “have nothing better to do” always seems to have a negative connotation.  You are bored and someone asks you if you want to go to the mall and your response is “okay,

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Write Your E-mails Backwards

Have you ever accidentally sent an email before you wanted it to go out? Possibly you were in the middle of writing a sentence, pressed enter and voila, the email was sent. Sending unfinished emails or

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How to Deal with Shiny Objects and New Ideas

We all love shiny objects.  They are the newest thing in town that everybody is talking about.  The new toys, games, videos, business ideas, social platforms and more.  Who can forget (or maybe remember)

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Why the Hell is a Bird in the Hand Worth Two in the Bush?

Everybody has heard the saying that “a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush” or something similar.  The traditional way of understanding the saying is that when you are holding a prize in your

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Tim Ferriss and Gary Vaynerchuk are Complete Opposites, How are they Both Successful?

Tim Ferriss VS. Gary Vaynerchuk You may be a little confused. Yesterday I wrote an article about Gary Vaynerchuk and how his constant hard work is paying off as an incredible business strategy. He works

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Cognitive Dissonance: Get Lucky BY Letting Your Ego Take a Reality Slap

In general, people are very “happy go lucky”. They have their beliefs and values and everything in their life pretty much falls into place based on the systems they were brought up with, or have set

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Get Lucky by Hoping for the Best and Preparing for the Worst

I was just thinking about Nickelback’s song “If Today Was Your Last Day” and it really struck a chord. He talks about the best advice that his friend gave him to live each day like it’s his last

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The Biggest Loser is the One Watching the Show Instead of Losing Weight Himself

There are so many reality TV shows where you can watch other people do what you want to do. On the shows, people lose weight, get a job, start a business, become a top singer or model, find a spouse or

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The Wise Man Gets Lucky so why not be Wise?

No skill can compare to knowing where to find all the information you need. When you know where to go, all other skills become accessible to you.

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Get Lucky by Getting your Ducks, even if they’re not in a Row

I hear so many people saying that they will not start item “B” until item “A” is accomplished. For instance, “I will not get married until I have a job”, “I will not have kids until I am

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Take as Many Shots as you Can, No Matter How Bad

On Saturday night I had the privilege of going to a hockey game with my brother to see the Montreal Canadiens play the Washington Capitals.  Although the Canadiens lost with a couple

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Believe it or not, you are Smarter than Someone!

All the way through our schooling we are measuring how smart we are.  How well we do on each test, in each subject and most of all compared to the rest of the class and sometimes

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Thanks, You’re a Life Saver!

Yesterday,, my new company’s websites was on the fritz.  I messed something up in the backend and I wasn’t even able to get back into the backend to fix it. 

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Too Much Information Is Your Key to Getting Lucky

There once was a time where it seemed like there was a finite amount of knowledge out there.  The wise men all knew the same things, had the same education and maybe had a little

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Don’t Worry, Be Happy

I heard a little story a while back about a woman working in the market place and along came a man who swiped one of her products off her table and started to run away.  The woman

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Your Mood Can Determine Your Luck

Sometimes when I’m really frustrated, worrying about something or in a bad mood I sit down and play video games to calm myself down and forget about my problems.  The main thing

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Make Tomorrow Count by Using Today

“Today is only one day in all the days that will ever be. But what will happen in all the other days that ever come can depend on what you do today.” Ernest Hemingway In September, I started posting

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Get Smart and Lucky by Taking Notes

Mitch Hedberg , the comedian has a famous bit that when he is in bed and thinks of something funny he has to either get out of bed and find a pen and paper to write it down or convince

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Trying is the First Step Towards Failure and Failure is the First Step Towards Success

I’m a big Simpsons fan… or at least I was when I used to watch the show.  I even wrote my high school thesis on Homer.  One quote of Homer’s that’s been running through

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Lessons I Learned From Losing my Sites

As you may know, both this site and Sucky Poems went down last week for a couple of days.  It turns out that the 1and1 databases were not compatible with the upgrade to the newest

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Companies Must be Remarkable but Individuals can be Whatever they Want

On Thursday I wrote that Seth Godin only likes to do something if he can do it “really well” which is consistent with his message to companies to be “remarkable”.  Now while

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